Christian RSS/XML Feeds FAQs
RSS is a format for syndicating news and the content of news-like sites, as well as personal weblogs. But it's not just for news.
Pretty much anything that can be broken down into discrete items can be syndicated via RSS. Once information about each item is in RSS format,
an RSS-aware program can check the feed for changes and react to the changes in an appropriate way.
It's a convenient way for you to receive updated information from a variety of sources. A good reader will keep track of which items you have read,
and which ones you haven't.
What is XML, RDF, and Atom? |
XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language, and is simply a way of writing information. Feeds are written in XML. A feed may be called an
RSS feed, RSS channel, RDF feed, XML feed, or Atom feed, but is all are essentially the same thing. A good feed should be compatable with all types, and a good reader
should be able to parse all types of feeds.
What is a Podcast and Podcasting? |
Podcasting is a method of publishing audio broadcasts via the Internet, allowing users to subscribe to a feed of new audio files, usually mp3's. A podcast is recorded audio distributed via RSS.
Podcasting allows anyone who wants to broadcast to reach a huge potential audience online. You need an application, such as Apple iTunes, commonly
called a "podcatcher" to download and organize podcasts. Any digital audio player or computer with audio-playing software can play podcasts.
Many web sites are now offering feeds of various kinds. When you see an image similar to
while you are browsing, clicking on the image
should be sent to your feedreader, allowing you to subscribe. If that doesn't happen, as some browsers still aren't RSS aware, you may need to copy the link that opens
and paste the link into the appropriate place in your reader.
What Feedreader should I use? |
For a couple of great choices for the Mac, try NewsFire, or another
good one, called NetNewsWire.
For Windows, the absolute best, and an absolute free feedreader is, coincidentally, called Feedreader.
Or, to download Feedreader and install it directly, click here.
What Feeds does ChristiansUnite have? |
We are currently offering four types of feeds for your use.
1.) The ChristiansUnite Clean Joke of the Day - By subscribing to this feed, each day a new joke for your laughing pleasure will show up in your feedreader.
A new joke each day from one of the hundreds available from our Christian Joke Site.
Get the Joke of the Day via RSS
2.) ChristiansUnite Christian News - By subscribing to this feed you will receive the headlines, and a short excerpt from each news story that appears on Our News Site. Then you can choose to read the whole story, or pass on it.
Get the ChristiansUnite Christian News via RSS
3.) Daily Devotional - Faith's Checkbook by C.H. Spurgeon - By subscribing to this feed, each day a new devotional from Faith's Checkbook will show up in your feedreader.
Faith's Checkbook by C.H. Spurgeon is also available online from our Devotionals Site.
Get the Faith's Checkbook daily devotional via RSS
4.) ChristiansUnite Member Blogs - Joining ChristiansUnite as a member, gives you the choice to create your own weblog, or blog. However, many of the current blogs
contain information that you may be interested in. An RSS Feed for each member blog is available individually. Check out
the growing ChristiansUnite Blog Site. You may find some you are interested in, or publish your own blog.