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Christian Marriage
Christian Marriage

Christian Marriage

Position 2
Fri, 20 Jul 2012 14:06:29 -0600
Translation in progress. Polygamy Pastor Don's Translation of this rare Latin manuscript begins: It is neither contrary to the law of Nature, nor in any way to that of the Gentiles, but rather, most fitting, that if indeed we see the man by nature obtained thus: that he may for extended years, beget children, when by one woman such is not the case. Let us remember; God and Nature do nothing in vain. It is clear therefore that this is a talent to be a male, therefore entrusted with the task, not for the purpose of storing away in the earth, to make use of the language of Scripture, but in order to gain, and him to that end; to whom by God and nature, beggeting is meant to consecrate. Pastor Don's Commentary: The author advocates for polygamy through the Parable of the Talents. A man, the author points out, is like a talent, his posterity not to be buried but multiplied. And what does the Lord say to the servant who multiplies that which was given unto his care? "Well done, [thou] good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord." See Matthew 25:14-30 Approximately 1000 words of this section remain to be translated. Like what you're reading? Support this translation project. Donate to
Avoiding Impure Thoughts
Sun, 20 May 2012 13:24:17 -0600
Before all, always consider the following verses: Ecc 7:16 Be not righteous over much; neither make thyself over wise: why shouldest thou destroy thyself? Ecclesiastes 7:17 Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die before thy time? One of the best ways to deal with anything that distracts us from a right walk with the Lord is to attack the problem through Scripture and get so involved with the fantastic insights while we study that we are at least given some moments away from the distractions. We cannot allow ourselves to step over the line into obsession with a problem so that our obsession with the problem becomes greater than the problem itself. I have witnessed some whose frequent desire to repent keeps their mind so obsessed with a problem that they're crippled to walk away from the problem. So we'll seek an answer to your situation while distracting you from your situation as a demonstration of what works for many others. I apologize in advance if any of what I'm saying here is too elementary but it's often the most simple explanations that make difficult problems easy to understand. Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8 When it comes to women, do the same. Dwell on those that are worthy of your attention. Seek those that fit the above description. In most cases this means traveling to other countries to find them since America is a nation of harlots. It is the rare exception where marrying a harlot is prudent. A harlot is any woman who has had more men than she has had husbands. Repentant harlots in the Bible are not proud like those who fill America's churches. In America harlots often bear a title, "Single Mother" as a badge of honor as if their harlotry makes them better! Somehow they think that by not murdering their baby they are worthy of praise! I go through every day of my life not murdering my children! Killing a child by abortion or otherwise is worthy of condemnation but not killing, in other words, normal behavior, is not something unusual that we should praise, ah, except in America. Yes, in America, normal behavior has become so rare that we must praise it! So to begin with, it's important to get a pure woman under your authority. This nation claims to call that marriage. The Bible has no such word in the Hebrew nor does the blessed man woman relationship described in the Bible have anything to do with what the West calls "marriage." So it's clear that where it is used in the Greek (New Testament) that the Greek word "gameo" which is then translated in our Bibles to the English word "marriage" is not an exact translation of the Hebrew or Aramaic words originally used by the speaker. I'll repeat because for many this is a shock, the Hebrew language simply did not have the word marriage! It uses a number of other words and phrases that are translated to the English word marriage to describe the acceptable relationship between a man and a woman, but never a single word that could possibly be translated "marriage, marrying, married, marries, etc." In fact, the English word marriage is used only two times in the entire Old Testament and cannot be accurately translated to the English word marriage, not by any means! Here are some examples: Psalms 78:63 The fire consumed their young men; and their maidens were not given to marriage. The word translated "marriage" is actually "worthy of praise" as follows: Psalms 78:63 The fire consumed their young men; and their maidens were not worthy of praise. The word translated above as marriage but which should be translated as "worthy of praise" is in the pual tense. Here is the Strong's Concordance translation for it. c) (Pual) 1) to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be commended, be worthy of praise. The other place the word marriage is used is: Exodus 21:10 If he take him another [wife]; her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage, shall he not diminish. Duty of marriage in today's terminology would be the woman's right to sexual intercourse. If we look at Strong's Concordance again, we see the word is cohabitation, or conjugal rights. Conjugal at the time the Bible was translated still meant what it did when it was first used in the 1500s. (con - with) (jugal - yoked.) In other words, man-woman yoked rights. No word "marriage" at all! Let me clarify. IF by marriage you mean a God blessed joining of a man to a woman wherein he has the authority of a father over her, then yes, marriage is found in the Bible. However, if you mean the relationship between a man and a woman where the woman is not under the authority of her husband but is given free reign to make her own decisions, that is NOT marriage. That is contractual harlotry; the type of legal man-woman relationship most common in today's churches. Knowledge of these things should be second nature for Christians but the original words have escaped their knowledge due to the repeated mistranslation of a handful of words. If that weren't enough, the word wife occurs neither in the Hebrew nor the Greek. The English word wife has become a title that confers ungodly and harlot like rights to women who claim to be in a godly relationship but who in fact behave more like prostitutes that are paid to stick around than a godly helpmeet assigned to a man, her master, by God Himself. The authority relationship described in the Bible can better be represented in a new English word, andromony, which I define as man support or husband support in accordance with what the Bible teaches on godly unions. The ungodly word matrimony breaks down to mother support and that does not represent any biblical concept of a blessed union. In fact, that is the Bible's man woman relationship turned on its head. The woman was created to be a help to the man. If she's the help, she's the support, therefore andromony. Consider also the God ordained power of a man over his woman. Ephesians 5:24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so [let] the wives [be] to their own husbands in every thing. We are certainly servants to Christ as members of the ecclesia, "church". In this world, our woman or women are to be servants to us as you will read in what follows. 1Peter 3:1-2 Likewise, ye wives, [be] in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation [coupled] with fear. (chaste conversation of the woman who fears her man, yes, fear) Eph 6:5-7 Servants, be obedient to them that are [your] masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men. We are likewise clearly the master of our women. 1Peter 3:6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him master: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement. To help further with this concept of a blessed relationship and in hopes this will also help you to have a godly understanding of the type of woman who belongs in your life, the type of woman you can dwell on, let's look at the following verses. Numbers 30:3-9 If a woman also vow a vow unto the LORD, and bind herself by a bond, [being] in her father's house in her youth; And her father hear her vow, and her bond wherewith she hath bound her soul, and her father shall hold his peace at her: then all her vows shall stand, and every bond wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand. But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth; not any of her vows, or of her bonds wherewith she hath bound her soul, shall stand: and the LORD shall forgive her, because her father disallowed her. And if she had at all an husband, when she vowed, or uttered ought out of her lips, wherewith she bound her soul; And her husband heard [it,] and held his peace at her in the day that he heard [it]: then her vows shall stand, and her bonds wherewith she bound her soul shall stand. But if her husband disallowed her on the day that he heard [it]; then he shall make her vow which she vowed, and that which she uttered with her lips, wherewith she bound her soul, of none effect: and the LORD shall forgive her. But every vow of a widow, and of her that is divorced, wherewith they have bound their souls, shall stand against her. We see that ONLY A WIDOW OR DIVORCED WOMAN HAS NO AUTHORITY PLACED OVER HER. We also see from all that I've quoted that all women except for widows and divorced women have the authority of a father or husband that is every bit as binding and supreme as a master. A woman who has been given to us as the Bible describes shall be to us as: Our eldest and most trusted daughter except that we also have a sexual relationship with her since she is not our daughter but our woman. This provides us with those thoughts and feelings such as Adam described, bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh and when properly channeled provides much energy for good or for evil. This is why the Bible must always guide our steps. The closer a man can retain his relationship as above noted, the happier his bride will be and the happier he will be. Women seek a man they can admire. Women admire men who retain that position of power that God has given them over women. Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8 In short, man has a natural desire to follow God's command to multiply. Let us not be diverted. Let us hasten our search for a God fearing woman, who we can rightly place under our authority, and procreate.
Andromony - The Only Blessed Union
Wed, 28 Sep 2011 22:53:44 -0600
Andromony andro (man) mony (support) Definition: 1. a man's act of acquiring a woman as a "help meet" in accordance with Genesis 2:18 & 1 Corinthians 11:9 2. a relationship that began and continues in accordance with Genesis 2:18 & 1 Corinthians 11:9 Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, [It is] not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. 1Corinthians 11:9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. Matrimony* is the exact opposite of what is described in Genesis 2:18 for in matrimony it is the man who is expected to meet the needs of the woman. In many nations, matrimony begins with the man bowing, on bended knee, before the woman, as his first act of submission to her, bearing a gift as a subject might do before a ruler. Although all men who enter andromony help their women in certain ways, the basis for andromony is described by God's own Words, to provide a suitable helper (help meet) who will support the man in his endeavors by serving him. *matri (mother) mony (support) More to be added to this article shortly.
Proverbs 5:18 Rejoice beginning with the wife of thy youth.
Sat, 04 Dec 2010 16:55:33 -0700
Proverbs 5:18 Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice from the wife of thy youth. Brothers and sisters in Christ, we have been misled. The preposition that occurs before "the wife" in the above sentence is NOT "with"! It is as I have written above, "from" as in the sentence "He ate the entire menu from steak to string beans." To put it another way, "He ate the entire menu beginning with steak all the way to string beans."In other words, it means "beginning with" so that a better translation in modern English would be:"Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice beginning with the wife of thy youth."Keep in mind that Solomon had just been warning in verses 3-17 against going with whores and now he is contrasting that a man must instead rejoice, i.e., take pleasure in, his wives, beginning with the wife of his youth, i.e., his first wife. There is absolutely no emphasis in the original verse on any exlusivity to a first wife because the word "with" does not even occur in the Hebrew. The word is "from" as in, "beginning with." I discovered this in my Anderson Forbes Phrase Marker Analysis of the Hebrew Bible. Do not be fooled. One wife and one wife only is NEVER taught in the Bible.It's impossible not to SEE the implication in the sentence when it is properly translated. "rejoice beginning with the wife of thy youth...." till the wife you take when you're an old guy.
Second and Third Wives In The Bible
Sat, 04 Dec 2010 16:34:07 -0700
Who was the first woman after Eve's disgrace to be given the HONOR of being mentioned in Scripture? and the second woman after Eve to be given that HONOR? and the third woman after Eve to be given that HONOR? Of whose family were these women members? The answer is that they were the two wives of Lamech and one of his daughters. Lamech is known for being the first to mention self defense. He says that he is worthy of seventy seven times avenging if the guilty Cain is worthy of seven times avenging. Lamech's wife Adah was the grandmother of those who dwell in tents and raise livestock as well as those who play harp and organ and Lamech's wife Zillah was the mother of the first teacher mentioned, Tubalcain, who taught how to produce brass and iron products. Now women are rarely mentioned in the Bible but in this case it is not only the two wives of Lamech who are given that honor but one of his daughters as well! Naamah, Zillah's daughter is mentioned although nothing further is said about her. HOWEVER, there is a principle that is frequently found and it is this; when something is mentioned three times it is affirming it as very important. In the paragraph directly following the story of Lamech's wives, the wife of Adam who bore Seth is not even mentioned! If it was Eve, her name was not mentioned. If she was one of Adam's many daughters or even Naamah, the daughter of Lamech, nobody knows for she is simply not mentioned. Keep in mind that the birth of Seth comes 130 years after Adam was created so if you're thinking that when it says, "And Adam knew his wife again" that it's talking of Eve, there is a tiny chance that you're right.Genesis 4:19-22 And Lamech took unto him two wives: the name of the one [was] Adah, and the name of the other Zillah. And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and [of such as have] cattle. And his brother's name [was] Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ. And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain [was] Naamah. Genesis 4:24-25 If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold. And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, [said she], hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.
Mark 10:11 Is A Simple Syllogism
Fri, 04 Dec 2009 17:07:58 -0700
The following is taken from foonote 9, Page 270 of Prince of Sumba, Husband to Many Wives. Copyright 2009 - Don Milton - All Rights Reserved Mark 10:11 is confusing to many students of the Bible. In that verse, Jesus presents us with a syllogism. A syllogism is a logical argument that has the form; If A and B, then C. Here is the syllogism Jesus presented in Mark 10:11:Whosoever shall put away his wife, and shall marry another,                           [A]                                         [B] committeth adultery against her.{DBY}              [C] Notice that the Bible DOES NOT SAY:Whosoever shall not put away his wife, and shall marry another,                              [NOT A]                                    [B] committeth adultery against her.              [C]Since this example is not found anywhere in the Bible, we lie if we claim that a man who has not put away his wife, and marries another, commits adultery. Only when a man marries a new wife, having put away another wife, has he committed "adultery against her." William Tyndale, the first English translator of the Bible, renders it, "breaketh wedlocke to her warde" which is synonymous with "causeth her to commit adultery." Mark 10:11 is simply one of the many examples of putting away "for reasons other than fornication." Putting away, "saving for the cause of fornication," is forbidden. Marrying a new wife, without putting away another wife, is not forbidden. Matthew 5:32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery. For those of you who are having a hard time grasping this I am adding additional material here that is not in my novel. Let's look at a real life example of a logical syllogism. [Whoever borrows his friend's car] and [sells that car as his own]                      A                                                                 B [commits fraud.]           C From this syllogism, we can infer the example below is true: Henry borrowed his friend's car and sold that car as his own.                          A                                          B Henry committed fraud.                    C But when one of the antecedents (A or B) is not true then the conclusion (C) does not follow. Henry bought his friend's car and sold that car as his own.                 NOT A                                   B   Henry committed fraud.                   C In the second example, A is not true and therefore C cannot be proven. Henry bought his friend's car. He did not borrow it. So although B is true, he sold it as his own. Selling your own car is permissible so to charge Henry with fraud is unwarranted. NOW LISTEN: The only people who think that Henry committed fraud in the second sentence are people who grew up in communist countries where strict laws against buying and selling have short circuited their brains into making them think that any activity involving buying and selling is forbidden. Look at where you live. If your country has strict laws against polygamy then your brain has likely been short circuited to make you think that even an illogical argument against polygamy is logical simply because you've been improperly brought up to believe that is is forbidden. Remember, on the topic of buying and selling a car, you completely understood that the change of A to Not A (not borrowed but purchased) made the sale completely legitimate. Apply that to the topic of putting away and marriage. Only putting away for the purpose of marrying is forbidden. Marrying without putting away is not forbidden. Of course a woman who takes another husband commits adultery and there are verses against a married woman being with more than one man. Romans 7:3 So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man. The following is a typical course description for Philosophy 101 for a first year Pre-Theology student. It includes an introduction to syllogisms. You do not have to be a theologian, or a linguist to understand that [If A and B then C] DOES NOT PROVE [If Not A and B then C.] In fact, it doesn't even hint at C. You simply must have studied one paragraph from any first year logic book or even a dictionary to understand this. PHIL101 An Introduction to Philosophical Argumentation 3 credits. This is an introductory course in logic and critical thinking as practiced by Western philosophers since the time of Aristotle, including the nature and uses of formal arguments or syllogisms; truth, validity, and soundness; the distinction between deduction and induction; and the nature and misuses of informal fallacies.
Christian Minister Publishes Polygamy Adventure Novel
Thu, 24 Sep 2009 12:38:32 -0600
Born Again Publishing, Inc. Contact: Don Milton                   Email: Don Milton Click Here                   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Scottsdale, Arizona                       Telephone: On Request                          FOR PDF CLICK HERE     Christian Minister Publishes Polygamy Adventure Novel    "Having more than one wife could be part of that epic drama the Lord has put you here to enjoy."    Those words are found on the back cover of Pastor Don Milton's Polygamy Adventure novel, Prince of Sumba, Husband to Many Wives.    Now to most of us, the words polygamy and romance don't go together but Pastor Don has set out in Prince of Sumba, to prove that polygamists have hearts, consciences, and ethics, every bit as much as monogamists do, if not more. In addition to the 385 footnotes of historical and biblical documentation, Pastor Don Milton uses the characters in his novel to entertain the reader with lively conversations, including one discussion on whether the Protestant church has censored, erased from history, and even killed Christians who have written in favor of polygamy.    From the mouth of Ruth, the daughter of the novel's polygamist, we learn about the Reverend Martin Madan, who founded the Lock Hospital, the first hospital for the treatment of women with venereal disease. She relates how he published the first popular hymnal that included both hymn tunes and words, how he composed more Christian hymn tunes than any composer of his era other than Handel, and that Handel himself raised funds for Madan's hospital. Ruth goes on to make the claim that seminaries have refused to document Madan's contribution in their histories of Christianity because of the books he published defending polygamy. Astoundingly, we discover that Madan was the godfather to the son of Charles Wesley, Samuel Wesley. And that Samuel had a son through his polygamous marriage to Sarah Suter, Samuel Sebastian Wesley, who composed "The Church's One Foundation is Jesus Christ Her Lord."    On a more conventional note, the book provides a verse by verse description of many of the central beliefs of Evangelical Christianity with some fantastic conversion testimonies to accompany them, including one titled Cherry the Harlot, a heart rending account of a prostitute turned evangelist.    The story is told by Ish, the missionary, whose wife, Mary, accompanies him to polygamous Mindanao. Ish's reactions to the Christian women who want him for their husband are unpredictable and his wife, Mary, is endearing as she responds, mostly with humility, to the polygamists around her.    Author, Don Milton, has been a taxi driver, business owner, and minister. He now exercises his gifts in the gospel ministry of Don has published numerous books on the topics of Christian marriage and courtship as well as Law and Justice. Don received his Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics at the University of Washington and has studied five languages. Note: Prince of Sumba, Husband to Many Wives is NOT about FLDS or Mormon polygamy. Contact: Don Milton           Telephone: Upon Request           Email: Don Milton Click Here ###
Marriage & Texas Teens - "We Will Violate Their Civil Rights"
Mon, 07 Apr 2008 14:33:04 -0600
   "We are not going to violate their civil rights until we have an outcry, a complaint, and I've said that from day one." Schleicher County Sheriff David Doran    Another way to read Doran's statement is this:    "After we have an outcry, a complaint: WE WILL VIOLATE THEIR CIVIL RIGHTS."    The likelihood that a child will be abused while in [Texas] foster care is greater than if they were left where they are. (Bolton, Laner, and Gai, 1981; Pryor, 1991; Spencer and Knudsen, 1992.)1    For the government to remove five hundred and thirty four American (534) citizens in Texas from their homes and put them into the care of homosexuals, fornicators, adulteresses, and worse -- teens with STDs is; well, you tell me what it is. When historians look back at the draconian measures taken against non-Muslims practicing polygamy versus the absolutely blind eye that is turned to Muslims practicing polygamy, and practicing it in nearly every neighborhood in the nation, they will wonder how ours could have ever been called a "Christian" nation.    Exodus 23:1&2    Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.    Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; (stealing children) neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment. (trial by the media)    Our streets are littered with the broken lives of teen prostitutes who may be abused one thousand times with impunity while teens who gave themselves to their one and only husband in purity are locked up. Their crime? Their husband failed to get a government consent form signed and notarized and then presented to a judge, despite the fact that their parents gave their full and complete approval for the marriage. Of course the parents gave their approval, they're part of that same community!    Before proceeding, we must address one issue which has inflamed the discussion of polygamy, so-called "underage girls" marrying fifty (50) year old men. The first cue that such phrases are spoken by stupid people is the redundancy of "underage girls." The second is that underage is a government definition and has nothing to do with biology. According to the most simple logic, a girl is a girl until her first menstruation. After her first menstruation she is biologically a woman. Furthermore, it has been a long standing legal precedent that by the age of thirteen an individual has reached the age of reason where they will be held responsible for their deliberate actions. Pull out your homeowners insurance policy and you will find a statement very similar to this. "We will not pay for injuries or damages that are caused intentionally, UNLESS, the injury or damage is caused by a child 12 years of age or younger." So we have two definitions, one of them biological and the other psychological which put the age of thirteen as the age at which a female is capable both biologically and psychologically of giving consent. The Apostle Paul says, "I will, therefore, that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully." 1Timothy 5:14 And again Paul says, "She shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. 1Timothy 2:15 Saved from what? -- saved from a life of fornication so that the adversary (Satan or anyone else who opposes righteousness) may not have any reason to attack the virtue of the young women. The Greek word translated as "younger women" is "neos" which means recently come into being, young, youthful, new and in the context of marriage Paul is speaking of women who have recently become women. Ah, so Paul himself says that women should marry shortly after their first menstrual cycle which was also in accord with the Roman requirement that upon reaching puberty every citizen must marry.2 Need I remind you that it's America's current five year gap between biologically becoming a woman and legally becoming a woman (The Marriage Gap) that sets in motion the pattern of fornication from which few American women ever escape? Even then, they escape only by doing what Paul instructed them to do in the first place, by marrying. Click Here to see a PDF of a typical insurance policy. Search for "Voluntary Payments" after you have the Insurance Policy in your browser.    Another aspect of the current mob mentality concerning young women marrying fifty (50) year old men is that the public just cannot believe that a thirteen year old woman would be interested in a fifty year old man. Have they never heard of Mick Jagger, he's sixty five years old and man is he UUUGLY! Yet he still has teens swooning over him. The fact is, in the enclosed society of the FLDS, the fifty (50) year old men are the MOST attractive men to their young women. They strut their little industrial complex with a charisma that politicians would envy. Their families are large and happy. They're famous teachers in their community. They are fearless in the face of mainstream society, willing to risk prison for their beliefs. These men are not just desirable to the young women in their society, they're what our mainstream whores would call HOT. (A whore is a woman who has lost her virginity willingly without wedlock.) But here is the issue that EVERY person who claims they are a Christian MUST deal with. The Bible defines marriage. If these women were given to their husbands by their fathers as wives then they indeed are wives and anyone who encourages them to be with another man is guilty of causing them to become adulteresses for they can only be released to marry another man by their husband with his giving them a Bill of Divorcement. If you are one of the mob running to encourage them to forsake their first husband and take another man then you are an accomplice to adultery. Jesus was very strict concerning marriage and He lived in an age where the average woman married at thirteen. At the time of Jesus, the Roman law, referred to as the Lex Papia Poppaea,2 decreed punishments such as the loss of inheritance rights for women who remained single after having attained puberty. Jesus never criticized that law which commanded that a woman old enough to bear children get married. Why would he? That law prevented pre-marital sex. So when Jesus made his pronouncements on marriage those words applied to all marriages, including those with thirteen year old women. Here is what Jesus said, "But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causes her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is so divorced commits adultery." Matthew 5:32 The same goes for you; if you cause a woman to be put away from her husband then you also are causing her to commit adultery. This is not a social issue. This is a theological issue and this is an issue of the right of religious groups to separate themselves from fornicators such as nearly every American reading this is.    Still another hysteria inducing fact is that the Eldorado polygamists had a room in their temple for consummating marriages. For those of you who are so brainwashed by the Roman Catholic marriage ceremonies that today's Protestants gleefully imitate, every typical marriage in the Bible involves the guardian giving the bride and the groom taking her to his tent. What in the world do you think the implication is of what happens in the tent! Duh, what in the world is marriage? Are you dense or something? Marriage involves a willing giving of the bride and a consummation of that marriage. Without the consummation it is not a marriage even according to government law. The Bridal Canopy3 is a remnant of the Bridal Tent3 which was used by the Jews in times past. This Bridal Canopy3 is used in Jewish marriage ceremonies till this day. If you're going to attack the Eldorado group for having what amounts to a Bridal Tent3 then just remember that your attack is anti-Semitic in its roots.    For those of you who think that the anti-polygamy hysteria is some new thing, please note that anti-polygamy laws have their roots in anti-Semitism and the two Semite groups that have been the brunt of this bigotry are the descendants of Abraham -- Jacob (the Jews), and Ishmael (today's Muslims). Both have a long record of regulated polygamy and both have been the butt of bigoted jokes and worse. It is hate, and hate alone that fuels this group think against polygamy. One thousand years ago Rabbenu Gershom declared that polygamy would be forbidden to Jews in Christian nations. Why did he do this? Well you guess. We see among us five hundred and thirty four American citizens ripped from their homes because of anti-polygamy hatred. If it were not hate that drives this anti-polygamy hysteria then the subject could be discussed openly and without bigoted jokes, accusations, and outright lies.    To understand the hatred, let me give you an example. Let's say that you and your family chose to live in a neighborhood of five hundred plus like minded Christians and you were all practicing monogamists. Let's say that there was one sixteen year old teenager among you who called the police and said that one of the people in the neighborhood had sex with her after a private marriage ceremony when she was fifteen years old and that her parents knew about it and had approved of it but that they had not obtained a judge's waiver for their daughter to get married at that age. Do you think it would be fair for the government to come into your neighborhood and arrest (that's what it is no matter what else you claim) to arrest, more than five hundred of your neighbors, fellow Americans, yes, AMERICAN citizens, in the largest group arrest in the country in years? Do you think it would be right to take the children of your neighbors who had nothing to do with the fifteen year old's marriage and place those children, all virgins, among some of the most notorious teens of the country? It is a fact that many of the teens in foster care have been placed there because of their own delinquency. Is it right for virgins who have never left their household to be placed among such teens? I have cried over this. If you haven't, may God have mercy on your soul. If you say, "but they were taken out of the homes of polygamists," that's exactly my point. Your hatred for polygamists is so great that you think it's perfectly ok to rip people out of their homes, for what? For being polygamists just like so many Old Testament saints as well as many in the New Testament? Don't you realize that many of Paul's contemporaries were polygamist Christians? If that was not the case then why would Paul have exempted men who were not the "husband of one wife" from the thankless job of Elder, Bishop, and Deacon? He exempted the polygamists because they were being fruitful and multiplying in compliance with God's command and fulfilling that duty was enough to exempt them from unwanted tasks that were to be assigned by Timothy and the other apostles. If the selection was to be only those who were "husbands of one wife" then surely there were enough men with more than one wife that Paul thought it necessary to make such an exemption from troublesome lower offices within the church. Yes, Elder, Bishop, and Deacon were not high offices or they would have been called of God, not appointed by man. Click here to read my article entitled: "The Key to Understanding The Husband of One Wife."    Now, back to Texas. Isn't it Texas where the governor assumes that teen girls are so promiscuous that he wants to force them to take anti-std immunizations? So the government bans teen marriage, a godly outlet for young women who choose marriage, yet the government not only permits but encourages them to fornicate? Not only does the government encourage their fornicating but they make it legal for them to fornicate with boys who have no ability to support them but make it illegal for stable bread winners to court them and marry them, even when the parents and the girls have given their consent as part of their system of stated community values. What? This has got to be the craziest system man has ever invented; to reward women who have sex with the boys who are least able to support them and penalize those who choose to marry men! BREAKING NEWS--- Obama State Delegate for Colorado, Rozita Swinton, is the same Rozita Swinton who was arrested for calling in the hoax that triggered the Eldorado raid against peaceful American citizens. Article continues below as originally written on April 7, 2008.    The quite probably non-existent girl4 who started the Eldorado hysteria is quoted as saying, "Church members told her that if she leaves the ranch, outsiders will ... force her to cut her hair, (TRUE) to wear make up (TRUE) and [different] clothes (TRUE) and to have sex with lots of men. (TRUE)" What is it that is not true about the alleged victim's statement concerning American culture and the environment of foster care today? Everything that this probably non-existent victim was told about the outside world was true. Who is the abuser in this situation? The fact is that American women think it is better to have sex with lots of men before settling on one. Don't you tell me anything different, you fake! Were you a virgin on your wedding night? Look at the actual behavior of people if you want to understand a culture, don't look at what the people in a culture say. We call that baloney. They're full of baloney, spelled BS. Any anthropologist with training knows this. You can go into a country where they say cannibalism is evil but if they're eating their neighbor's liver, don't believe them! When Americans say they believe in waiting till marriage for their first sex, don't believe them. Over ninety percent of Americans have pre-marital sex.5 Face it, we live in a country that says one thing about sex and does another. Forty-five percent of the country says fornication is evil but they fornicate anyway and forty-five percent of the country says fornication is good and they practice what they preach, at least concerning fornication. Now we find America in a situation where its filthy fornicators find a culture within theirs that says and does what it preaches and the fornicators send in armed government officials to arrest and detain five hundred and thirty four fellow American citizens in the most blatant violation of civil rights this country has seen in over fifty years. The pundits are afraid to discuss the issue in a clear and rational way because of the irrational hysteria generated in America by the mere mention of polygamy. Cowards! America's taboo against polygamy has few rivals in the modern world. Americans are willing to suspend the constitution when it comes to polygamists but wait, it's white polygamists who are really the focus of their hatred. "They got our white women in there! They better let lose of 'em or we'll string em up? What white man would do such a thing as have more than one wife! It's plain uncivilized." I can hear them now, their mouths frothing as they hold up their pitch forks... oh yes, it's 9mm weapons they use today. As for the five hundred and thirty- four innocent American citizen detainees in Texas, they remain jailed. What else do you call it when you are held against your own will?    To quote a man who I was personally introduced to as a paid staffer on his campaign in 1980; "Government isn't the solution to our problem, government is the problem." Nearly every blessed mother in the Bible was a teen bride, usually married within a year or two of her first menstruation. Throughout history the average age of a princess has been between thirteen and eighteen and the same has been true for the common man. Men who break the law when they could have simply gotten a government license to marry their young bride are foolish but they are not brutes. Teen marriage license infractions, for that is all the Texas case concerns, are now being used to prosecute polygamists since prosecutors know that the next polygamy prosecution will be struck down by the Supreme Court. According to Texas law the only thing that stands between a woman under the age of sixteen (16) and her man receiving a marriage license is a court order. Take a look at the statute for yourselves. Texas Marriage License Requirements    It is of note that only after the FLDS moved to Eldorado, were Texas marriage laws changed to discriminate against them, raising the age without a court order to marry from fourteen to sixteen. Prior to the 2005 law being passed a woman age fourteen or older could marry simply by producing a properly executed parental consent form. No court order was required. The requirement of a court order was pass by the Texas legislature for the specific purpose of discriminating against the FLDS so that such court orders could be issued for marriage license requests made by any citizens of Texas EXCEPT unless that citizen were a member of the FLDS.    If men who marry teen brides are brutes then so was President James Monroe who married his seventeen year old bride, Elizabeth Kortright as well as President Andrew Johnson who married his then sixteen or seventeen year old bride, Elizabeth McCardle. Neither did Monroe nor Johnson lift so much as one finger to get a license for their marriages. In fact, the marriage dates of the Presidents before the mid-eighteen hundreds are hard to determine since marriage licenses were not required in most localities. The declaration of the man and woman that they were husband and wife was deemed sufficient. Many states still give an exemption to marriage license requirements to Quakers. If men who marry cousins are brutes then Democrat President Martin Van Buren must also be a brute for he married his first cousin, Hannah Hoes. First cousin marriage which is a marriage that is permitted by the Bible is also the butt of anti-Semitic jokes. If men who marry women who are much younger than they are then President John Tyler must also be a brute for he married the beautiful, Julia Gardiner, who was thirty years younger than he was. Likewise, Grover Cleveland, at the age of forty nine, married Frances Folsom who was just twenty-two years old. June/December marriages are also a favorite topic of jokes by bigots who want to put their noses into the business of other peoples' marriages. This bigotry usually contains slanders against those who might marry their cousins like Jacob did, or who might marry a woman much younger, like Jacob did, or who might marry a woman who was under the age of eighteen, like Jacob did. The fact is, such marriages tend only to come to the attention of the public when they are done by polygamists or when they are done by members of religious groups that condemn fornication and homosexuality. The public considers it vulgar when a monogamist marries his cousin, a teen, or someone much younger but the public considers it evil when a polygamist or religious fanatic does the same.    Must I bring up the fact that it was King David, the polygamist, who still had enough time with all his wives to write the beautiful Psalms. Do you forget that King Solomon still had time to write the godly and perfect Proverbs and the Song of Songs? Yes, it is a fact that the most poetic and beautiful love poem in the Bible was written by Solomon, the world's most famous polygamist. Furthermore, this King Solomon, wrote Ecclesiastes which was taken by a Sixties band for its melodic words -"To everything - turn, turn, turn There is a season - turn, turn, turn And a time for every purpose under heaven."  Well, it is the season to start recognizing that in a marriage, a man is joined to each of his wives by God, not by man. This is what many of our presidents recognized. Those of you who do not trust God to join you in marriage need our prayers. I don't expect my fellow Americans to agree with me. My fellow Americans refuse to hang the pornographers from the lamp posts along side the CEOs of the major hotel chains in America who pipe in pornography to their hotel rooms. Americans would prefer that one polygamist be sent to prison than one hundred million fornicators be told that sex outside of marriage is a sin but let me put you on notice. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, yes, Jesus Himself, is going to judge you and that day is not far away and He will punish you. Repent. He will punish you for forbidding what the Bible permits and for causing grief and suffering with your backwards and primitive, yes primitive and barbaric laws. For you reward young women with your welfare state who have sex with boys that cannot support them and you punish the wise virgins who choose marriage with an older stable man.    1 Timothy 4:3 1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. SEND THIS ARTICLE TO A FRIEND! CLICK HERE! [1] The Welfare of Children by Duncan Lindsay - Published 2003 [2] Lex Papia Poppaea, A.D. 9, sometimes known as Jus Trium Liberorum granted special privileges to men with many children and punished celibacy by limiting the rights of single men. This can account for Paul's discussions on celibacy which should not be taken as encouraging celibacy but as defending the right of a man or woman to voluntarily choose marriage instead of feeling compelled to marry by government decree. The Lex Papia Poppaea decreed punishments such as the loss of inheritance rights for those who remained single after having attained puberty up to the age of fifty for women and sixty for men. A man or woman was given one hundred days to get married upon finding out they were the beneficiary of an inheritance or forfeit the inheritance. There are many more interesting details of this Roman law which I'll address in another article. [3] Bridal Tent - "They pitched the tent, the bridal tent, of the Semites, which has survived in the canopy of the Jewish wedding ceremony to our own day." The International Critical Commentary - A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on The Books of Samuel by Henry Preserved Smith - Professor of Biblical History and Interpretation in Amherst College Published in 1902 [4] Rozita Swinton has been arrested and is currently being investigated for pretending to be a sixteen (16) year old woman; that same "sixteen year old 'girl'" who was the alibi for the Texas Jack Booted Thugs' raid on a peaceful neighborhood in Eldorado to steal over four hundred (400) children from their parents and place them with fornicators, homosexuals, and adulteresses. Rozita E Swinton is also listed on the El Paso County Colorado Democrats website as being a State Delegate from Precinct 269. I called the El Paso County Colorado Democrat Headquarters and spoke with Carol, the woman who answered the telephone, and when I asked her whether that Rozita Swinton who is listed on their website as a state delegate for Obama is the same Rozita Swinton who was arrested for being the polygamy hoax caller she said, yes. As he that bindeth a stone in a sling, so [is] he that giveth honour to a fool. Solomon -- Proverbs 26:8 The Texas CPS and Jack Booted Authorities gave honor to a fool, now the ammunition that they intended to fire at their opponents is blowing up in their faces! [5] Trends in Premarital Sex in the United States, 1954'-2003 Lawrence B. Finer, PhD

This excerpt is from The Prince of Sumba, Husband to Many Wives.Copyright 1998 Don Milton All Rights Reserved.All Copyright Laws Apply - Thou Shalt Not StealChapters: [Prologue] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]  [19]  [20]  [21]  [22]  [23]  [24]  [25]  [26] Chapter 12 - Martin Madan - A Memory of Love    Ruth's genius was revealed through her method of Bible study but now she opened up to expose the tenderest of hearts. She set aside her notes, as her voice softened and she delivered a long overdue eulogy for the now forgotten Reverend Martin Madan.    "You remember how Sam said that there's a long list of eminent theologians who've been forgotten simply because they supported polygamy?"    "Yes, I remember." Suni answered, "I was wondering who those might be."    "Well Suni, the Reverend Martin Madan, the Father of the Evangelical Hymnal, was a well known preacher of the eighteenth century and the most talented Church music composer of all time.22 He wrote a book called: 'Thelyphthora; Or, a Treatise on Female Ruin, Its Causes, Effects, Consequences, Prevention, and Remedy.' Part of the remedy that Madan proposed was polygamy.23 He put forth in his book that the ban on polygamy that was originally put in force by the Roman Catholic popes had been the cause of widespread prostitution and fornication. He roundly criticized the banning of taking more than one wife, an activity that Jesus used in metaphor without criticism."    Cherry recalled the parable of the Ten Virgins, "Yes, Ruth, Jesus praised the five brides who kept plenty of oil in their lamps while they waited for their polygamous husband."24    "That's a great example, Cherry. Now can any of you tell me what song the following line comes from?    'With th' Angelic Hosts proclaim,     Christ is born in Bethlehem!'"    "Are you telling us that the Reverend Martin Madan wrote Hark the Herald Angels Sing?" Suni asked.    "No, Suni, that was primarily written by Charles Wesley, but in 1760, Martin Madan did introduce those two lines and they have been kept in the hymn as we sing it still today."25    "So he was apparently a well accepted and much beloved Christian of his time to have known Charles Wesley." Asina observed.    "That's right. Not only did he know Charles but he was godfather to Charles' son, Samuel and he was also a friend of Charles' brother, John Wesley, the famous evangelist who founded the Methodist denomination.26 Madan even comforted the dying composer Handel, famous for his masterpiece; The Messiah.27 I think it's clear that up to the moment that he published Thelyphthora, in 1780, that he was well respected. In 1746, thirty four years before he wrote that book, he founded the London Lock Hospital. London Lock was the first voluntary hospital that treated venereal disease.28 It was during his ministerial duties there that he gained a great deal of first hand knowledge about the consequences of fornication and prostitution. Shortly after Madan's arrival, the institution opened a new building and it became known as 'The Female Hospital.' He built a chapel associated with the hospital which could seat up to eight hundred people.29 This may not seem large compared with today's mega-churches but it's still a very large fellowship and it was one of the largest of his day. His chapel received enough tithes to become a strong source of support for the hospital.30 It was there that the singing of hymns first took hold as part of Christian worship in England.31 The members sang from a hymnal that Madan, himself, had published. He published the hymnal as a benefit to future generations as well as to raise money for the hospital.32 From the Chapel at the Lock, Hymn singing spread quickly through the English speaking world with Madan's hymnal the standard. His mastery of musical worship brought thousands to the Chapel at the Lock and his hymns have brought many more thousands to a saving knowledge of our Lord.32 In less than thirty short years from the first printing of Madan's hymnal, fully two thirds of the hymns sung, even in the parishes of the Church of England, had been arranged by Madan himself for his hymnal had become the core of the Church of England's hymnal.33 The Baptist's hymnal came out twenty five years after Madan's.34 Here is the very hymnal that Madan published. My father let me take the original from his library to show you."    Ruth handed Cherry the hymnal, 'A Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Never Published Before by the Reverend Martin Madan'. Cherry handled it carefully, then reflected.    "So the loving man who published this hymnal was cast aside because of his pity for the women who came under the bondage of harlotry?* For wanting the men who knew them only as their mistresses to take them as wives? That was his sin? That's not sin, that's a badge of honor! I would love to have known that man!"    "Cherry, I think there are some men just like the Reverend Martin Madan who are sitting in this room right now."    "I agree. It's wonderful." Cherry looked down. She seemed shy to consider herself one who a Christian might desire. I didn't doubt that she understood her eternal value to the Lord but forgetting her past, let alone believing that any potential husband could forget her past, was still beyond her grasp. Cherry wanted to know more.    "So what happened to the Reverend Martin Madan, Ruth?"    "After he published Thelyphthora in 1780, he was forced to resign from the London Lock Hospital, the very hospital that he had founded! He'd served thirty four years as its founder and twenty two years as its chaplain when he resigned.35 UPDATE - I have discovered that the Dictionary of National Biography was in error when stating that Madan resigned in 1780. According to various biographies of the time, Madan retained the sole title of Chaplain to the Lock till his death in 1790. Between the years of 1780 and 1790 it is true that other men held the positions of Morning Preacher and Evening Preacher but none filled his position of Chaplain till his death. De Coetlogon and Thomas Scott were the best known of these morning and evening preachers. Ruth handed a Webster's Dictionary to Cherry.    "Look up the word, 'Lock hospital.'"    "Ok, hang on." Cherry opened the dictionary and read the citation. "'Lock hospital: a hospital for the treatment of venereal diseases.' Wait a minute, Ruth, you're telling me that a new word entered the English language because of the Reverend Martin Madan?"    "Yes, Cherry. The Lock Hospital was the first hospital of its kind in the world! Every hospital like it is now referred to as a Lock hospital. To this day, the administrators of such hospitals can only pray that they'll have a fraction of the success that the Reverend Martin Madan had during his years at the Lock."    "I'm afraid to know the rest of what happened to the Reverend Martin Madan but I've got to know." The rest of Prince of Sumba may only be read by purchasing the novel. Purchase Prince of Sumba online from Barnes and Noble Today! 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