Christian Working Mom Blog Christian Working Mom Blog is a place of support and encouragement for Christian Working Moms. Often, Christian Working Moms feel isolated. My hope is this will be an online community that can provide support and encouragement to Christian Working Moms. YBlog is Moving 2007-01-08T18:03:10-05:00 The CWM Blog has moved to http://christianworkingmoms.blogspot.com. This blog will be taken down soon. Visit the new Blog and tell me what you think.... | Blog is Moving 2006-12-20T17:15:51-05:00 The CWM Blog is moving. A new blog is set-up at http://christianworkingmoms.blogspot.com/ The reason I am moving the blog is I was receiving a lot of automated spam comments and having to manually remove them. On the new blog this... | Praises over the Last Year 2006-12-18T14:15:02-05:00 Can you share answered prayers or praises to God over the past year? How has God been real to you this past year?... | Open Comment Section 2006-12-12T19:34:25-05:00 Feel free to start new posts or comments here.... | Christmas Memories 2006-12-10T12:13:10-05:00 What fond Christmas Memories do you have from your own childhood? Please share.... | Share with us your other full-time job 2006-12-08T07:48:40-05:00 I'm continuing this post. I have really enjoyed hearing about everyone's jobs. We have a neat group of Godly women. So, if you haven't all ready, share your job with us.... | Christmas Traditions 2006-12-04T20:16:54-05:00 What Christmas traditions do you have? Also, have you started new ones with your own nuclear family (you, spouse, and children)? I look forward to hearing about your traditions.... |