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Crosswalk - Michael Craven's weblog

Christian Grit
This past week, a heart-wrenching letter was circulated across the Internet from fellow Christians in Turkey, the details of which have been confirmed by numerous news reports. The letter gives account of the savage torture and murder, which occurred on April 18th of German missionary Tilman Geske, pastor Necati Aydin, and Ugur Yuksel in Malatya, a Turkish province 300 miles northeast of Antioch.
Abstinence Education has Failed!
This is what the mainstream media and opponents of abstinence-centered education would like you to believe in the wake of the most recent study. The report, which was released by the Department of Health and Human Services and conducted by Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. appears, on the surface, to live up to the headlines. However, here are the problems with concluding that "abstinence education has failed."
Responding to a "Gay" Christian
How do you respond to the person who on the one hand says they are gay and on the other says they are a follower of Christ? I quite often encounter this situation and the response, which seeks to be consistent with biblical Christianity, is not always as straightforward as one might think.
Freedom for All Except...
Legislators in the House of Representatives are pushing for a vote on the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2001, H.R. 1343, another federal Hate Crimes bill that would add "sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and disability" to current hate crimes law. This legislation will ban alleged discrimination based on sexual orientation, whether actual or perceived. Thus, it inhibits the rights of those who resist the imposition of homosexual morality to disagree and brings the power of the state to bear on those who do. Learn what you can do!
General Pace: Collision at the Crossroads of Morality
The reaction to General Pace's comments reveal a critical shift in the moral consensus that the Church, in particular, but also everyone concerned with a free and healthy society should be concerned with. At issue is the basis upon which we as a society determine and enforce the moral order.
Competing Worldviews: Why they matter
There is a struggle underway in American culture and it is ultimately a battle between two competing worldviews or explanations of reality. These two perspectives are the secular humanist explanation versus the biblical explanation of reality. The former is man-centered while the latter is God-centered. What are the differences and why do they matter?
Is Religion Bad?
This seems to be becoming a popular argument: "Religion is the source of all strife and conflict in the world and we would all be better off without it." However, one has to ask, "Is this true?" How do we answer the growing number of those who propose that this is in fact the case?
What Ever Happened to Discipleship?
The "modern" idea of church, or ecclesiology, it seems is that the church exists as a venue to "attract" the lost through dynamic programs, performances and events - the more dynamic the better. What one pastor friend of mine referred to as "theo-tainment." The problem with this approach exclusively is that a disproportionate amount of the church's time and resources go into these efforts at the expense of discipleship and training the already saved. The result is the proverbial church that "is a mile wide and inch deep." Yes the church grows in numbers but rarely in spiritual maturity and the witness of the Church is often rendered lackluster.
American Idol: Fame, Fortune, and Self-Delusion
One only has to watch an episode of American Idol to realize that many in this generation are obsessed with fame and fortune to the point of radical self-delusion. Convinced of their "ability;" many of these "wanna-be" stars seem oblivious to the fact that they have absolutely no singing talent whatsoever. This false sense of self produces a false sense of reality which inhibits the reception of the Gospel.
Love Sick
The American Psychological Association (APA) reports that counselors on the nation's college campuses are seeing significant increases in severe psychological problems. "Counselors reported seeing double the number of depression cases and triple the number of suicidal students." Sexual libertines have long argued that sexual morality was repressive resulting in negative psychological effects. This is the most sexually liberated generation in American history and yet they are suffering psychologically unlike any other.

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