The Conservative Voice Columns Provides conservative news and original columns updated 24/7 including live Associated Press Newsfeeds.
President's Identity Theft Task Force Release Report Mon, 27 Oct 2008 20:20:51 Crime - by Jim Kouri - Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey and Federal Trade Commission Chairman William E. Kovacic announced this week the release of a report from the President's Identity Theft Task Force on progress the federal government has made in addressing identity theft since the Task Force's Strategic Plan was released last year. | Afghan Drug Kingpin Charged With Financing Taliban Terrorist Insurgency Sun, 26 Oct 2008 02:18:13 Crime - by Jim Kouri - An Afghan drug trafficker charged with conspiracy to distribute narcotics with intent to support a terrorist organization was arrested, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Michael J. Garcia and Acting Administrator of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Michele M. Leonhart announced on Friday. | Culture of Corruption: Obama and the Teamsters Fri, 24 Oct 2008 22:39:17 Candidate Profile - by Jim Kouri - Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa will be visiting Teamster worksites around the Philadelphia area on October 27-28 to help get out the vote for Sen. Barack Obama in this crucial presidential election, according to a press statement from the union's press office. | History of Rewarding ACORN Fri, 24 Oct 2008 20:35:49 Election 2008 - by Jim Kouri - Between ACORN and the Democrat National Committee we are truly witnessing a culture of corruption. Remember the Marxist adage: Accuse others of what you do. This is the M.O. of the Democrats and their lapdogs in the news media. | McCain Campaign Worker Attacked and Slashed - Updated Thu, 23 Oct 2008 23:12:31 Crime - by Jim Kouri - Once again, the mainstream news media are bending over backwards -- except for Fox News Channel, talk radio and the blogospehere -- to avoid covering a breaking crime story that occurred in western Pennsylvania that may cause Barack Obama political problems. | FEC Campaign Finance Complaint Against Obama-Biden Campaign Wed, 22 Oct 2008 22:44:39 Crime - Jim Kouri - House Conservative Fund's weblog editor Jim Kouri participated in a teleconference held by the RNC today. The main speaker addressed the GOP's complaints to the FEC regarding alleged campaign finance irregularities within the Obama-Biden campaign. | Christians' Biblical Role, Part One Wed, 22 Oct 2008 22:35:56 by Nathan Tabor - It seems that, in this election, clear battle lines have been drawn between conservatism and liberalism, between the politics of Reagan and the politics of Cuomo, between a culture of life and a culture of death. This, in fact, may be the most critical election of our age. The decisions we make on Election Day could have reverberations on the U.S. Supreme Court for a generation or more to come. | Law Enforcement Supports California Proposition 4 Regarding Abortion Wed, 22 Oct 2008 11:49:45 by Jim Kouri, CPP - Four years after their 12-year-old daughter was impregnated by a 24-year-old man who took her for a secret abortion to cover up his crime, a San Bernardino County couple found out what happened and reported it to police. Without the parents' involvement, the abuser would never have been brought to justice. |