:: Conservative politics, social issues and Christian influence on society.
English Need Not Board Mon, 29 Jan 2007 22:58:34 -0800 Rosa Parks earned her place in American iconography for refusing to go to the back of the bus. But at least she would have been permitted to remain on the bus, which would have been more than is being allowed for three Saint Paul school children who were kicked off a bus, they were initially told, because they were no longer good enough to ride the bus because they spoke English. According to a titled ëKids kicked off a bus for speaking English", bus service along the route in question was now reserved for students other than those speaking English because of the importance of keeping the non-English speaking pupils together. Illegals are often of the mind now that since they supposedly pay into the tax system, that should somehow earn them a slot at the government trough. But what about boring, run of the mill citizens born here and who don't get special holidays and entire months set aside celebrating what they happened to be upon emerging from their mother's birth canal, aren't they just as deserving of the services they are having increasingly high taxes taken from and assessments levied against them to pay for?
Boozing Epidemic Among Young Adult Church Groups Tue, 16 Jan 2007 18:32:03 -0800 In discussing her book "Thrill Of The Chaste: Finding Fulfillment While Keeping Your Clothes On" on the Albert Mohler Show, journalist Dawn Eden made an observation that many young adult or singles ministries are centered around drinking. This author is to be commended for exposing what is probably a little known and shocking fact.
When Did Black Become A Christmas Color? Sun, 31 Dec 2006 14:21:15 -0800 It has been said that socially Evangelicalism is five to ten years "behind" the broader culture. John Warwick Montgomery once remarked that America was where old German heresies went to die, meaning that eventually the intellectual refuse of the elite came to infect the American church no matter how reluctant the bride of Christ in the United States might have initially been to such doctrinal fads. Back in the 90's, Evangelicals looked on in astonishment as Postmodernists from lofty chairs in academia went about undermining the notion that one should not be judged by the color of one's skin but rather by the content of one's character. Instead. these deconstructionists suggested that one should be assessed primarily as a member of one's herd and judged in light of either the sins or disadvantages of one's forefathers. As a result, whereas in years previous those of certain backgrounds struggled to take their place in and recognized as full members of society, the trend reversed itself and those skilled in exploiting past resentments were able to shame the majority into allowing certain demographic classifications to cordon themselves off as they saw fit while denying this proclivity to the members of the most numerous group. Though conservative Christians initially bucked such a trend by admonishing that it is ultimately the individual that Jesus died and rose from the dead for and will whom be judged, they too are now succumbing to this social pressure.
A Review Of "Superman In The Eighties" Sun, 31 Dec 2006 14:18:32 -0800 In light of "The Crisis on Infinite Earths" that rest asunder the parallel dimensions of the DC Comics multiverse, the 1980's were a time of innovation and reinterpretation for the Man of Steel. "Superman In The Eighties" is an anthology giving readers a taste of this costumed hero's adventures on both sides of the Infinite Earths saga. Rather than a comprehensive chronology, the compilation consists of a series of vignettes providing considerable insight into this beloved icon of contemporary American folklore. A number of the tales included tug at the heart as much as they regale with action and adventure. In one story published before the John Byrne "Man of Steel" miniseries where aspects of the Superman mythos were updated or tweaked, aliens transport Jonathan Kent through time to see what becomes of Clark in the future after his adopted father has already passed on. In another, Superman confronts his own pride when the Specter reminds Superman that they are realms reserved for God Himself. And in a third, Superman comes face to face with childhood versions of his creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster on an earth where alien invaders have manipulated the timestream to eradicate the concepts of heroism and imagination from human culture in order to make the earth easier to conquer. "Superman In The Eighties" will make a valuable reference for any graphic novel library or comic collection. by Frederick Meekins
Merry Bizarromas Sun, 24 Dec 2006 12:12:30 -0800 In the Superman comics, Bizarro is a twisted clone of Superman that perceives things backwards such as bad being good, up being down, and left being right. As intense as the annual Christmas conflagrations have become over the past few years, it was only a matter of time before those wishing to stand for decency and common sense found themselves in an unsettling situation where the usual roles were reversed.In a number of short stories I have written such as "The Schauungtown Chronicles" and "An U.N.I.Q.U.E. Individual", an organization known as the Toleration Fellowship set in a world governed by an elaborate system of homeowner associations suppresses traditional religious expression on behalf of secularists and New Age mystics in the name of inclusion and diversity. The Toleration Fellowship uses as its insignia the upside-down broken-cross peace symbol.In a case in Colorado, it seems these roles have been reversed. A woman in a homeowner association there was being threatened with a fine of $25 a day for hanging on her home on private property a wreath in the shape of the peace sign. A number of residents took offense because the peace sign can also be interpreted as a Satanic symbol celebrating the defeat of Christ.
Apparently Not The Thought That Counts Thu, 21 Dec 2006 16:16:29 -0800 In a land as prosperous as that of the United States, from time to time parents must remind their offspring that the Christmas season is not suppose to be as much about the gift as about the sentiment behind the present. However, as charities themselves degenerate into bloated bureaucracies more concerned about perpetuating themselves than about assisting the downtrodden, those administering these organizations no longer view the giving public as the real heroes behind what use to be considered grassroots eleemosynary but rather as dimwitted cogs to be lectured as to how the acts once perceived as selfless are actually reactionary gestures undermining the progressive vision of their enlightened betters. Even within my own short life thus far, at one time Toys for Tots was grateful to receive any new toy or even a good used one in reasonable condition (as from my own experience I can tell you that a second-hand Millennium Falcon is as nearly as much a delight as one fresh out of the box). However, like a spoiled child getting too much at Christmas, now not only aren't second-hand toys not good enough for these philanthropic agencies, but now they also dictate what kinds of new ones may be donated as well.
Contract Granted For American Concentration Camps Fri, 08 Dec 2006 14:22:59 -0800 For years, whispers have ebbed and flowed across the currents of cyberspace that the U.S. government had plans on the drawing board for the establishment of detention and relocation camps to heard massive swaths of the population into during times of declared national emergency. Haughty sophisticates regularly dismissed such nuggets of information, claiming such warnings were the ravings of kooks and the paranoid. However, at last more mainstream news sources are willing to admit such holding pens of dubious constitutionality are in the works. According to a report titled "Critics Fear Emergency Centers Could Be Used For Immigration Round-Ups", a contract has been granted to a subsidiary of Halliburton no less for the establishment of emergency relocation centers for use during a national disaster or immigration crisis. Though marketed as a way to house illegals as they are processed back to their countries of origin, the American people need to be warned this might not be the only purpose for such facilities.
Ovid Need Needs To Mind His Own Business Mon, 20 Nov 2006 22:06:41 -0800 Though the sermon "Long Range New Covenant Thinking: Early Marriage" by Ovid Need available at does a commendable job of explicating the passages regarding dominion over creation and of expounding the need to train children for family life, it uses these passages as cover to impose personal opinion as revealed doctrine. According to Need, the sincere Christian desiring to fulfill God's will weds at an early age. As proof, Need cites the passage in Proverbs 5:18 saying, "Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth" and notes that in Bible times often people were married by the age of eighteen for boys and sometimes as young as thirteen for girls (he conveniently fails to point out the abysmally low life expectancy prevalent in ancient times). Part of the reason for this decree in favor of adolescent matrimony (perhaps not that young but one must wonder if Need is going to suggest we slavishly adhere to ancient Judaic practices and in his own comments insinuates 30 is too old to have not yet wed) is to curb the evil tendency in the male towards (ominous drum roll, please) --- INDEPENDENCE. Heaven forbid one enjoy a period in life without nagging.
World Falls Into Bolshevist Dark Age Fri, 17 Nov 2006 12:36:32 -0800 Coupled with the win of Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua, it seems with the Democratic victory that the world may be falling into a new Bolshevist Dark Age. Some might argue the above characterization as a bit harsh, but it is entirely accurate. According to article titled "Meet The New Speaker", Speaker-apparent Nancy Pelosi has had ties to the Progressive Caucus in the House of Representatives. At one time on the organization's website were song lyrics reveling in the fact that when the Communist Revolution came, guns and knives would be used against the "Bourgeoisie", a Marxist blanket term invoked to confiscate the property and savings of the middle class. I hope those voting for the Democrats will enjoy the higher taxes, the swarms of immigrants pouring into their neighborhoods, the slaughter of innocent children in the name of ghoulish experimentation, and the increased regulation of their private economic affairs (in other words, things will continue pretty much as they were before only at an accelerated rate). We will have to wait and see if their hatred of Bush will outweigh their love of big government in relation to the Real ID Act and the North American Union, pet projects of the President but ones inimical to human liberty with which the Democrats don't have much of a problem with. Maybe if Republicans had acted like Republicans, they would have kept control of both houses of Congress. But regardless of who's in control, this country is headed down to the trashpile of history anyway. by Frederick Meekins
A Review Of Puritan Adventure By Lois Lenski Fri, 17 Nov 2006 12:35:05 -0800 In many Evangelical Christian circles, the time of the Puritans is looked back upon almost as a golden age in American History. However, upon reading Puritan Adventure by Lois Lenski, most will conclude that, while the period might be a nice place to visit, they wouldn't want to live there.