Simply Youth Ministry 2006-02-12T04:30:49Z The folks over at Simply Youth Ministry have begun the new year with a bang! A bunch of new products and a new Podcast (One word) I will be reviewing a few of the new products soon but I wanted to focus a bit on the podcast. You are all familiar with podcasts I'm sure, but in case you aren't, you can go here for a definition. The SYM podcast has been in existence for three episodes, the first a test that really was just three (then four) people clowning around for 30 minutes. The second episode (the official first episode) was fun and actually had some youth ministry content in it. Finally the third episode was released this past Tuesday and it continued the fun and humor of the first two episodes. Now, I have to give a disclaimer, I am a fan of SYM products and of the team. I didn't sign up for all of Doug's seminars at NYWC last October, nor did i drool over him when we were walking on the street together. I mean come on, he is just a regular guy with a family, problems and a lot of talent for training youth workers. So, I am a fan of product put out by SYM, but I don't set my schedule around what conferences Doug Field's will be at. He's cool, but I'm no groupie. Go and download these podcasts and get a little behind the scenes look at the SYM gang, and learn a bit about youth ministry while your at it. As they have said on the podcast, 1. you don't need an iPod to listen/watch, 2. It has enough youth ministry content to be considered work and 3. it's fun. If you happen to be a Doug Field's can buy some of his clothes on eBay. It's sort of a joke (see episode 2) but the cash goes to a charity. Until next time... Author: pedter |