'Watchmen Radio Watchmen Radio, Preaching the Truth of Jesus Christ to the Last Generation.
The Bowl of Soup Sat, 4 Mar 2006 12:01:00 -0700 Selling out for a mere bowl of soup. As we see the day of the Lord approaching, its time to target these areas of our life, that the devil uses tio pull us in, over and over. Guests on Priscilla and James. Item Category: Religion Audio download: 41306kb http://podcast.laststophell.com/podcast/show_soup.mp3 | Where are they now Sat, 25 Feb 2006 12:01:00 -0700 Where are they friends i knew gone now. People that we ministered too. Being on the path that leads to life is the key, Jesus Christ. Guests on Michael Siemer and Caesar. Item Category: Religion Audio download: 41423kb http://podcast.laststophell.com/podcast/show_pit.mp3 | Days of Elijah 2 18 06 Sat, 18 Feb 2006 12:01:00 -0700 This is it people, the days of Elijah.. preaching Jesus Christ. Repentance is the key, to entering into the rest. Days of Elijah represent Judgment in the land, persecutions Its all manifesting. Join us here with great guests.. Stephen Bening, Bob Neumann and Randy Mcbee. Item Category: Religion Audio download: 42227kb http://podcast.laststophell.com/podcast/show_days.mp3 | Sound of the Trumpet 2 11 06 Sat, 11 Feb 2006 12:01:00 -0700 If you listen, you can hear the sound of Gods trumpet. Its all manifesting around you, the signs of the times. Join us, in this podcast, with guests Michael Boldea, Rick Wiles and Stephen Bening. Item Category: Religion Audio download: 41914kb http://podcast.laststophell.com/podcast/show_sound.mp3 | What is truth 2 4 06 Sat, 4 Feb 2006 12:01:00 -0700 The truth is Jesus Chirst, and Jesus represents the cross. We are called to pick up our cross, and deny self. This is the truth, its not about living for this world. The key to being set free, is picking our cross, on the road to calvary. Item Category: Religion Audio download: 41657kb http://podcast.laststophell.com/podcast/show_truth.mp3 |